My career in sports started with my first business—Crown Magazine, a Canadian High School basketball magazine launched in 2008, inspired by the global “basketball bible” SLAM Magazine – with the intention to fill a void in the space for Canadian student-athletes pursuing basketball scholarships. As a player pursuing a scholarship myself, I faced the same challenges of a lack of exposure—and so I decided to contribute to create the change & help the next generation of Canadian Basketball players.

Before officially launching my first business at the age of 17, my entrepreneurial spirit dates back to the third grade. A son to first generation immigrants and humble beginnings, creating something from nothing was a necessity. I was the kid at recess that didn’t have the pogs, marbles or Pokémon cards–I was the kid that came into recess with nothing, but somehow found a way to end up with everything an hour later–the hustle, drive, persistence, relationship building & creative solutions that I Chase championships with in the business world today, originated back then.
Only someone that has pursued entrepreneurship can truly relate to the difficulty of building a business–the sacrifice of time, money, energy & putting yourself last in pursuit of a vision & a dream is something that every entrepreneur has been through, which inevitably becomes an emotional roller coaster because of the fact that you’re ALL IN and there is no Plan B. I’ve made many mistakes over my career, and learned from each, priding myself on never making the same mistake twice. A company will only go as far as its leader takes it; learning that nobody is coming to save you and completely owning the responsibility helped elevate everything.
Therefore, the growth of a company is directly correlated with the growth of the leader & entrepreneur behind it. Establishing a growth mindset is everything; it sets the tone for the culture of an entire organization and it becomes contagious. As my mentor from afar John Maxwell once said “Everything rises and falls on leadership.” In the process of growing as an entrepreneur and business owner, I learned the value of mentorship—up until recently I haven’t had a real life business mentor that I could call and ask for advice, or tap into their experience. As a result, My passion grew for helping out other entrepreneurs, sharing information and bringing value to businesses of all levels.

Generate an Undeniable Demand Through World Class Marketing, so you don’t have to sell; business opportunities are attracted to you & then hand selected by you. TS provides a full service approach & philosophy of “meeting organizations where they’re at”
Each company is different & at different stages of it’s lifespan; TS has a proven track record of complimenting a wide range of companies—from start up businesses & projects to established World Class organizations.
Building & Growing a business is not easy. For a company to truly be chasing championships, it requires multiple pieces of the puzzle, elements & roles collaboratiing in cohesion.
At TS, we identify the problems, & provide the solutions through strategic planning & execution.
You can’t reach your goals without a plan. At TS, we learn about the Goals of the organization, create a plan, and then Execute.
TS combines all forms of marketing (traditional & modern) to reach your audience—Digital, Experiential, Affiliate-Influencer, Network, Mailing List, SEO.
Brand Development
If they don’t know who you are, How will they connect with you? Develop your company brand & it’s identity, so you can open a gateway to achieving business goals. When the market knows who you are, it will trust you.
Culture Building
Culture of an organization is set at the top through leadership & clear communication of its core values throughout the rest of the company. Culture is strengthened by the people through these shared values.
Leadership Development
At the core of growth, TS believes that leadership is the most critical element. To quote World Class leadership experience John Maxwell, “Everything rises and falls on leadership”. TS has grown countless businesses by growing, developing, guiding & mentoring leaders within that business. It is not about addition, it’s about multiplication. In order for a business to expand, it must streamline & multiple its leaders—to manage & direct more business.
Business Development
TS has a proven track record of creating and diversifying revenue streams over 15 years in various fields. Most recently, Tariq Sbiet more than doubled revenue streams for his core company (North Pole Hoops), through the COVID-19 pandemic. TS approach is Listening to the market and delivering its needs. When you can maximize & create new revenue streams for your business, the opportunities are endless. There is always a way to pivot and diversify, through vision, insights into your market, and evolution.
What Do You See? TS brings visionary leadership expertise, to help paint your picture with 20-20 clarity; this allows business owners to execute & clearly communicate their vision throughout the organization.
Connecting the dots; bridging the gap between a company and its target audience.